A youth focused, youth driven film series to ignite conversations that change the narrative on mental health stigmas. Click on the video icon to hear from some our project apprentices.
‘Shut Down The Stigma. Turn Up The Talk’ is inspired by the many students at Fourthwall who have been touched in some way by mental health and substance abuse disorders, whether through their own diagnosis or that of a family member or friend.
Filmmaking offers a unique platform for young people to express their feelings and tell their stories. The experience of making a film can change their lives and, just as importantly, their stories can inspire change in the lives of others.
We hope that these films will help build awareness and understanding, promoting peer-to-peer conversation and encouraging teens to take action. Sometimes they just don’t know where to turn. We know we can make a difference. We are grateful for your support.
This project, and these films, are dedicated to the memory of Aidan O’Farrell, who passed away from a Fentanyl overdose on January 31st, 2023. Aidan is the inspiration behind Fourthwall the son of Fourthwall founder Frank O’Farrell. Rest in Peace Aidan.
Shut Down The Stigma. Turn up The Talk.
Preview version available here. For free non-watermarked versions please REGISTER.
A Word From Our Filmmakers 1:40
Fourthwall’s Youth filmmakers talk about the importance of mental health and their film project addressing depression and anxiety in young people.
Radio Silence Preview Version 9:45
A youth driven and youth focused short film on depression in young people. This is for preview only. Non watermarked versions available for free upon registration.
Breathless Preview Version 13:20
A youth driven and youth focused short film on anxiety in young people. This is for preview only. Non watermarked versions available for free upon registration.
”Early diagnosis and appropriate services for children and their families can make a difference in the lives of children with mental disorders.
Center For Disease Control and Mental Health
Many adolescents who have been diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD, also experience a higher incidence of other disorders which affects their well being, ability to learn, and how they handle stress. The following statistics are from the CDC for children ages 3-17 from 2016-2019. It’s important to note that ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression become more common with increased age. The rate of Depression and Anxiety among adolescents has been increasing over the past 10 years. The percentage of adolescents who consider Suicide is alarming.
Once student crews are hired and trained, they will go into the field and conduct focus groups with other teens. Their research will help inform the themes, direction, creative treatment and language of each film.
- Learning disabilities and mental health are under diagnosed and under treated.
- Adolescents with mental health disorders find it difficult to express how they feel
- Current educational material is ineffective and has a grown up point-of-view
- Film is a medium adolescents understand.
- Peers represent a voice they respect and listen to.
- Poetry and art are increasing in popularity among adolescents as a way to give voice to their opinions on important social and personal issues.
‘Shut Down The Stigma. Turn Up The Talk.’ will be written, produced and directed by area teens, trained and mentored by Fourthwall. These will be paid after school and summer crew positions.
In addition to filmmaking skills, each crew member will also develop cognitive, interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies including collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, empathy, initiative, goal setting and more.
Research & Focus Groups
Story & Scriptwriting
Production Planning
Actor Casting
Artist Submissions
Principal Photography
Roadshow Crew
Grades 7-12
Film Project Topics
Substance Abuse
Suicide Prevention
Project Advisors
Dr. Alex Nyquist, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Dr. Melissa Young, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Maria Sulcer, Outreach Specialist, Lindner Center of Hope
Dr. Megan Murray, PhD, Psychology
Courtney Matarazzo, Parent
Karen Aust, Parent
Greg Newberry, Writer/Director
Creative Treatment
Here are some previous Fourthwall student films which have inspired this project.
Jevil 5:29
A short film on Dyslexia which was produced at a Fourthwall summer camp and has been an inspiration to develop ‘Shut Down The Stigma. Turn Up The Talk.’
When The Smoke Clears 5:37
This film on the dangers of vaping was underwritten by St. Elizabeth Healthcare and produced by high schoolers and directed to middle schoolers. This scenario driven film was intended to be shown in class in Kentucky schools to start the conversation on vaping. All crew positions were paid.
Away Yet Awake. An Immigrant Experience 4:28
Combining spoken word and film ‘Away Yet Awake’ tells the story of the hopes and challenges that young refugees experience as they settle in to their new home…Cincinnati.
Campaign Starts Jan. ’23
Thank You To Our Supporters To Date
Greater Cincinnati Foundation | Executive Producer Level
Artworks | Executive Producer Level
Fifth Third Foundation | Executive Producer Level
Sally and Randy Scott | Executive Producer Level
Artswave | Executive Producer Level
Nellie Leaman Taft Foundation | E xecutive Producer Level
The Boye Foundation| E xecutive Producer Level
Dr. Megan Murray | Producer Level
National Speakers Association Foundation | Producer Level
Karen Aust | Co-Producer level
George Fabe Fund | Co-Producer Level
Leigh and Dan Gorman | Co-Producer Level
Eisha and Timothy Armstrong Family Fund | Assistant Producer Level
Sarah Jurgensen | Friend of Fourthwall
Scott Avera | Friend of Fourthwall
Kathleen Walker | Friend of Fourthwall
Alicia Wilhelmy | Friend of Fourthwall
Support Levels:
$10.000 and above ‘Executive Producer’ – Top Billing, Opening & Closing Credits
$5,000 – $9,999 ‘Producer’ – Top Billing, Opening Credits
$1,000-$4,999 ‘Co-Producers’ – Opening & Closing Credits
$500-$999 ‘Assistant Producer’ – Closing Credits
Up to $499 ‘Friends’ – Closing Credits
Project Notes
- Each Disability & Mental Health topic will be handled through a separate film
- Each film will have a separate 7 to 10 person student crew who will conduct additional research, write the script, and shoot and edit the film
- Each student crew member will be paid $11/hr or better
- Average number of hours per student crew member is 60 hrs.
- Each student crew will be supervised and mentored by 2 x Teaching Artists (TA)
- Student crew members will receive training in the filmmaking process, in research and focus groups, writing proposals, oral presentations, project management, character strength activation and more
- Films will be shown at area schools